Green Machines

Nov 15

Fyrn's first near decade of growth was purely organic.

Seeing our chairs and stools in beautiful restaurants, bars and hotels - we quickly found that designers and clients were turning the chair around to see who made them and coming to us for their projects.

As orders began rolling in, it was time to scale production—another engineering challenge, this time focused on designing machinery that could perform Fyrn-specific tasks.


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With a desire for consistency and precision, Ros began developing and engineering machines and drilling operations for elements unique to the Fyrn design—a proprietary tooling and production line for making our chairs.

Our "green machines", named for their green anodized metal components, allow us to produce chairs up to forty times faster than if we didn't make our own tools. 

We currently have over thirty of these machines, each performing a specific and unique-to-Fyrn task, allowing us to maintain a high level of precision and quality.

People like Charles and Ray Eames pioneered innovations that unlocked the ability to mass-produce and democratize good design for a broader audience. IKEA mastered mass production through a brilliant parts-and-pieces system, though much of their recent furniture lacks durability or commercial viability.

At the heart of Fyrn is a passion for high-utility pieces, combined with the belief that natural materials and quality craftsmanship are the ingredients for enduring design. The Green Machines, paired with our patented hardware, drive our success and enable Fyrn to produce high-quality furniture domestically at scale.